The Redcurrant
Adriaen COORTE
Oil on canvas
寇爾特(Adriaen Coorte, 1665- after 1707)是擅長描繪蔬果與貝殼的荷蘭靜物畫畫家。寇爾特以卡拉瓦喬式(Caravaggesque)的光線讓靜物主題在寫實之餘,詩意滿溢。其藝術聲譽自二十世紀末開始大幅提升,原在1970年代仍不被重視的寇爾特,在荷蘭郵局於1999年紀念十七世紀黃金時期所發行的一組藝術套票中已躍居十位代表畫家之一。
Adriaen Coorte (1665-After 1707) was a Dutch painter of still lifes, skilled at fruits, vegetables and shells. Adopting Caravaggio-like lighting, he added poetry to subjects of still lifes in addition to his realistic depiction. The artistic reputation of Coorte, who remained unrecognized up to the 1970s, was drastically elevated only near the end of the 20th century. When the Dutch Post Office issued a souvenir stamp sheet in 1999 to commemorate Dutch paintings of the Golden Age of the 17th Century, Coorte was listed among the ten representative painters.
Redcurrants were one of Coorte’s favorite subjects beginning in 1690 and this painting is a work from his mature later stage. With simplicity in subject matter and composition, the painting highlights the texture of the object and the subtle lighting. Generally applying warm brown as the base, the single-colored background and the table in the foreground almost blend into the uniform color of brown, giving the hazy space a sense of mystery. The light dramatically cast from above allows the table to appear illuminated with a stretch of gold at the edge, thus gaining as much focus as the redcurrants themselves. Dots of reflected light on the berries enhance the fleshy forms and the translucency of the berries, through which the table becomes vaguely discernible.
The three paralleled horizontal lines of the stone table balance well the vertical composition. The thick boards of the table serve to contrast with the delicate berries. The redcurrants decrease gradually in number from the left to the right, and then fall over the edge. Above them, the leaves in dark green extend in the same direction in numerous gentle curves, forming a sharp contrast to the flat lines of the stone table. In the upper part of the picture, the yellowish green leaves and branches rise upward against the dark background in the opposite direction from the right and across to the left, adding sensation to the still composition that dominates the lower half of the picture.
Under the artist’s brush, the redcurrants resemble a microcosm, displaying the wonder of creation. Be it the berries ripening in different degrees of red or green, or the vertical stripes on the peels, the texture of the leaves on either side and their venation, or the thorns in branches, these seemingly ordinary items are endorsed with unusual fresh interest.
【尺 寸】
※ 含畫框約 54 x 43.9 cm
【畫 布】
※ 採用全球唯一特製油畫布,觸感同真跡般真實。
※ 全球獨創高解析 1200dpi 印製,將極細微的層次與色彩百分百重現。
※ 採用日本進口複製油畫塗料,抗光防水不易褪色,能將複製畫長時間保存。
※ 表面經液態護貝處理,畫面不易髒污,易保存性極佳,適合長時間吊掛。
※ 專業色彩數位調色,如同真跡般的色彩光澤再現。
※ 畫面髒污時可先用毯子將表面灰塵彈掉,再以乾布輕輕擦拭。
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