Houses in Labastide du Ver
Henri MARTIN(French,1860-1943)
Oil on canvas
亨利‧馬汀是十九世紀晚期的法國畫家。馬汀原為巴黎藝術學院(Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris)的學生,但在1880年間受到點描法(Pointillism)影響後,他便開使以色點進行創作。 1890年間馬汀以點描法刻畫夢境、幻夢等富含象徵性題材的作品,廣受各界讚揚,甚至被評為「十九世紀晚期最具想像力的畫家」。
1900年以後,馬汀定居於法國西南方的拉巴斯蒂坦迪韋特小鎮(Labastide du Vert)。由於醉心於當地晴朗的陽光與純樸的小鎮風光,所以馬汀開始描繪鎮上景緻與常民生活等。本作【南法小鎮的房子】(Maison Labro à Labastide du Vert)即屬馬汀1900年以後的作品。作品以他此時期所偏好的民房、草叢為主,並採仰視的角度描繪層層而上的草坡和民房。前景中心處由左下往右上爬升兩排草叢與花叢,帶領觀者將視線聚焦在位於畫中偏右的民房,同時襯托出其所在的高度。而屋後藍天白雲的景致,則更加凸顯出該民房矗立在遠方的效果。
Henri Martin (1860-1943) was a French artist from the late 19th century. Influences by Pointalism, he began to paint using dots in the 1880s. In the 1890s, Martin created symbolic dreamscapes and fantasy landscapes in the Pointillist style which were well-received by the public. He was even lauded as the “most imaginative artist of the late 19th century.
After 1900, Martin moved to the small town of Labastide du Vert in south-west France. He fell in love with the sunny weather and the simple country life and began to paint the town and the daily lives of the local people. Houses in Labastide du Vert is one of Martin's post-1900 paintings. The subject of the painting is the house and garden, a theme which he favored during this period. The painting presents a view that is looking upwards at the layers of garden sloping up to the house. In the central foreground are two rows of bushes and flowers going from the lower left to the upper right, leading the eyes of the viewers towards the house, and at the same time accentuating its height and depth. The blue sky and white clouds further emphasize the faraway distance of the house.
The artist used the familiar technique of Pointalism to create and form every object in the painting, showing his Neo-Impressionist influence. In the overall color arrangement, the foreground is composed mainly of yellow and green, leading gradually to the yellow-brown tones of the house. Adorned in between are the colors orange, blue and lilac, bringing a sense of lush blooming and vitality. The colors echo well with the green grass and the yellow and purple flowering bushes in the background. The overall colors complement harmoniously with each other and create a bright and cheery atmosphere. The light blue sky and the white clouds further help to indicate a clear sunny day.
【尺 寸】
※ 約 81 x 62.1cm
【畫 布】
※ 採用全球唯一特製油畫布,觸感同真跡般真實。
※ 全球獨創高解析 1200dpi 印製,將極細微的層次與色彩百分百重現。
※ 採用日本進口複製油畫塗料,抗光防水不易褪色,能將複製畫長時間保存。
※ 表面經液態護貝處理,畫面不易髒污,易保存性極佳,適合長時間吊掛。
※ 專業色彩數位調色,如同真跡般的色彩光澤再現。
※ 畫面髒污時可先用毯子將表面灰塵彈掉,再以乾布輕輕擦拭。
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